Main products

Other products

  1. Industrial Lines
  2. Industrial Equipment
  3. Spare parts supply
  4. Raw material

Box ovens

This type of oven is typically used for manual systems or high capacity power and free systems.

A special type of ovens is used in a crane operated system; here the products enter oven vertically by cranes.

Function & material

It is convection ovens in which high air circulation leads to quick and effective heat transference to the product. Powerful fans distribute the heated air through ducts in the entire oven length.

This construction gives a uniform and constant temperature within a few degrees.

We have a modular standard for constructions. As standard the ovens are constructed of galvanized steel. As option, the inside construction parts can be produced totally or partly of mild or stainless steel.


The ovens can be constructed with different types of doors. The number and design of doors are adapted to the special line.